
illustration, hand lettering

A series of smaller projects I have created illustrations for.

Birmingham Pickling Fair poster

A poster promoting an annual Pickling Fair in Birmingham, Alabama.

student work, hand-lettering, illustration

Art Direction: Soonduk Krebs

La Route du Rock poster

A poster for La Route du Rock, a music festival in Saint-Malo, France.

student work, hand-lettering, illustration

Art Direction: Ron Cala


Roald dahl cover illustrations

A series of illustrated covers for books by Roald Dahl. Each cover features part of a character or key element of the story, which continues onto the front end sheet of the book.


TRavel postcards

Art direction: Jason Kernevich


Visitor’s badges

A set of visitor’s badges created as an intern at Disc Makers. Their clients are often indie and upcoming musicians, and it is common for customers to come tour the large facility, which does everything from making cds, printing and packaging albums, and even offers a sound lab for mixing and mastering.

Art direction: Keith Somers and Marie Thresher